
AD9608 datasheet(1/40 Pages) AD | 10-Bit, 125/105 MSPS, 1.8 V Dual...

10-Bit, 125/105 MSPS, 1.8 V DualAnalog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)AD9608Rev. 0Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, ...
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AD7525UD 数据表, PDF - Alldatasheet

AD7525UD 数据表. 部件名: AD7525UD. 数据表: 378Kb/6P. 制造商: Analog Devices. 功能描述: 3 1/2 Digit BCD Monolithic CMOS Digitally Controlled Potentiometer. 1 Results...
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AD7293 datasheet(10/78 Pages) AD | 12-Bit Power Amplifier Current ...

AD7293Data SheetRev. B | Page 10 of 78TIMING CHARACTERISTICSSPI Serial InterfaceAVDD, DVDD, DACVDD-BI = 4.5 V to 5.5 V (connect AVDD and DACVDD-BI to the ...
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AD9637 datasheet(1/40 Pages) AD | Octal, 12-Bit, 40/80 MSPS, Serial ...

Octal, 12-Bit, 40/80 MSPS, Serial LVDS,1.8 V Analog-to-Digital ConverterData SheetAD9637Rev. 0Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and ...
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AD9238BST-65 datasheet(8/48 Pages) AD | 12-Bit, 20 MSPS/40 ...

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